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5 Ways To Get Creative!

Being creative is a different process for everyone. I used to think that there was this secret formulaic strategy, but it’s really different and uniquely personal for everyone. I thought I would share with you my top 5 ways to get into the creative headspace. And I’d love for you to share yours!

  1. Music. Old or new, I love cranking up my speakers at home and listening. Music can take you back down the memory lane and help you remember why you fell in love with that song. Nothing sparks your creativity quite like hearing your favorite tune or discovering new music.

  2. Writing it down. The feeling of pen to paper is magic chemistry to me. I usually just write what is going on in my head. The words that I write out at times don’t make coherent sentences, or even make sense at all. However, writing whatever comes to mind can lead you to write out some amazing creative ideas that may have been hiding in that beautiful brain of yours without you even suspecting.

  3. Running. I know it sounds tedious. If you don’t like running, then walking. I find when I run, the fresh air and the scenery ignite my brain. I get my best ideas from running, especially in the early morning when the sun is rising.

  4. People Watching. I know sounds creepy, but I head out to a local coffee shop grab a hot bevy and just sit there looking around. Sometimes the smallest interactions between strangers will spark an idea when you least expect it.

  5. Reading. Lots of different types of books – even with pictures. Stories and images help me spark imagination and inner creativity. My personal favorites are PostSecret by Frank Warren and A Letter to My Dog by Lisa Erspamer.

Click the video to watch my top 5 ways of getting creative! :)



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